By Scott Fineout
Since the beginning of his battle with Ryan Race re-emerged in a Hazleton ring several months ago, it's been King's stubborness and determination that have been the key assets for King. With his head down, King has run into the flames of Undeniable like he has everyone else in his path over his years in professional wrestling. King only knows one way - through you. He's a man that doesn't mince words and isn't short to tell you when something you're doing doesn't agree with him or his way of doing business.
But like all good competitors, King adapted - rather, he evolved. King started working smarter and stopped doing things harder. Its a hard thing to adapt. For years it's been the harder approach that has worked for King. He's worked harder than his competitor. He's grit through the pain that had been dished out - often times by himself due to his own disregard for his body. But last month, King devised a two-fold plan that had worked to perfection.
The first was his use of his own manager, Penny Lane. Penny had apparently turned on Jason by providing a low-blow that shocked Hazleton. At the time, it had appeared that King had lost the last ally in his war with Ryan Race - the one person he seemed to care for - Penny Lane. She would go on to turn on Undeniable the next month and help Jason King capture the PPW Television Championship from him.
That led us to last month when Jason King and Penny Lane were caught tampering the drink of John Wes. Wes would take a swig of water and end up waking up in the trunk of King's car. Well just take a look below:
King would later go on to win the match and Wes would be forced to leave Undeniable and join King. It's nothing that Wes needed to be convinced of after the verbal argument Wes and Race had before the match even started in the back. Wes has been looking for a reason to leave, and being forced is just as good an excuse as any.
It will be very interesting to see if the extra help of John Wes can help King gain so ground.